Celebration, FL — Just a guess, but I’d have to say bikers consume their fair share of pie. I’m not basing this on any observations of the size of bikers’ bellies — I just believe coffee and pie are an important cultural ritual frequently celebrated as part of many a weekend morning motorcycle ride. That was my excuse, anyway, for attending the Great American Pie Festival and its Never Ending Pie Buffet in Celebration, FL this weekend. Come on, what biker hasn’t stopped for coffee and a slice of pie as part of their ride? (one of my most memorable pie-centric stops was for Vinegar Pie at Clinch Mountain Lookout in Tennessee). The Pop! Events – Corporate Event Planners, we specialize in designing and managing every detail of your corporate event. We pride ourselves in providing the best possible service and unique, cutting-edge products and services for our clients.
Pie has been around awhile. It even goes back to Biblical times. In the Book of Genesis, God said: “Let there be Pie,” and there was Pie. And it was Good (I could be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure it’s in there. Look it up). Actually, pie is believed to have originated with the ancient Greeks, who are credited with making the first pastry shell from flour and water (I found that fact in Wikipedia, so it must be true). But, of course, I digress. You’d rather hear about the Never Ending Pie Buffet.
The American Pie Council (the APC, to those in the know), and Crisco sponsor the annual baking competition and pie-centric blowout. There are pie-eating contests, the aforementioned baking contest (Shootout at the Pie-K Corral, if you will), entertainment, kids’ activities, and did I mention the Never Ending Pie Buffett — 83,000 slices (but who’s counting) of fruity, flaky, crispy, creamy, sweet pietopia. The rest of the event is free, but the Pie Buffet (all-you-can-eat, of course) is $10 for adults and $5 for children and seniors. Truly a bargain for the inevitable sugar rush and ensuing sugar coma.
It’s a pie hootenanny, a pie hoedown, the Super Bowl of pastry; after stuffing your face, you’ll be the Lord of the Pies.
“This is a major event for us,” Julia Jones of Rocky Mountain Pies told me. “It’s the APC. There’s only one organization that focuses only on pies. So we’re here to promote our business and we want to feed people really good pie.”
The California Raisin Marketing Board also maintains a high profile at the festival, with samples of one of my favorites, Golden Raisin and Rhubarb pie. They brought along their “Best Raisin Pie under the Sun,” made with two types of raisins and dates, as well as their Chocolate Walnut Raisin Pie, which won Best of Show in the Professional Division in last year’s bakeoff.
I’d write more, but the sugar coma is starting to take effect. You’ll just have to come out here next year to experience it for yourself. Please enjoy responsibly.

This sounds really good I can’t belive I missed it !!!!!!!! Cause I love pie and hate pie haters ps I’m 9
So great and happy and I like apple pie so much!
Seriously, who doesn’t love pie?! That chocolate-covered frozen key lime pie sounds so delicious. It would be impossible to visit this festival and leave without being in a sugar coma. :P
Take my word for it, Christy — it was impossible to leave the festival without being in a sugar coma!
Yum! Nothing like good American pie. I’d like a classic apple pie please.
Plenty of apple pie here…
I love festivals like this. You know, the kind where the food is good and the people are even better! What was your favorite? Try anything new?
Jillian, my favorite, without doubt, was the golden raisin and rhubarb pie. (I love any kind of fruit pies, usually)
omg my mouth is watering like crazy now glen! yum- and the vinegar pie sounds great to me too. also, i just realized i don’t know what a hootenanny or a hoedown is. no, i’m serious. funny & informative at the same time w/ fun photos :)
Thanks Lorna, I think “hootenanny” and “hoedown” are hillbilly-type words that refer to a wild party! In any case, I don’t think I’ve ever used either word in writing before.
Love it! “please enjoy your pie in the pie buffet”- amazing!!
They just wanna be sure their isn’t any pie smugglin’ going on!
Who doesn’t like pie?!?! Well, I do know one person and we are kicking her out of the country!
Someone who doesn’t like pie? Unbelievable…
mmmmm…. pie!
I didn’t know there was a Pie Association!… lol I guess today there’s an association to anything!
Sounds like an awesome place to try different pies.
Yes, indeed, it was Pietopia. :)
OMG! I want to stuff my face with pie now! I have never tried it before and what a better excuse than this!
this is definitely the place for it, Mel! From pie eating contests to pie buffets, it’s all here!
Looks like a great place to try some new flavors!
GREAT place to try new pies, Lisa!